If you're just starting your attachment repair journey...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you're feeling triggered and want to emotionally-regulate and calm yourself...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you have a particular negative belief (schema) that you want to work on...
Listen to the Schema Repatterning Meditations.
If you have a particular negative behaviour you want to work through...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you're learning about metacognition...
Listen to the metacognition of mental states.
If you want to go deeper into metacognition in a more integrated fashion with your schemas...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you want to work on healthy adult self development...
Listen to the Healthy Adult Mode meditations.
  • I want to work on:

  • Meditation Techniques

In this meditation on mental states, Cedric offers ways to conceptualise metacognitive skills in ways that we can get a felt-sense of them. By reflecting on mental states and seeing how they are constructed, we can improve our understanding of cause and effect.
Meditation Technique:
In this meditation on mental states, Cedric offers ways to conceptualise metacognitive skills in ways that we can get a felt-sense of them. By reflecting on mental states and seeing how they are constructed, we can improve our understanding of cause and effect.
Meditation Technique:
We go through each of the metacognitive functions according to the metacognitive-stack model and apply each function to a particular situation in our life.
A review of the metacognitive factors that guides our attention to these factors as they play out naturally in the mind. There will be noting (identification) to help us in our investigations of our minds, and an invitation to feel into the emotional results of effectively using our metacognitive abilities.
Meditation Technique:
This meditation offers a way to examine thought patterns in light of Liotti's metacognitive factors. Metacognition, also called mentalization (or "thinking about thinking") is the ability to understand your own thoughts. Liotti's six factors for this skill are identification (mindfulness), relating variables, differentiation, integration, decentration (adopting the perspectives of others), mastery (over your mental states).
Meditation Technique: