If you're just starting your attachment repair journey...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you're feeling triggered and want to emotionally-regulate and calm yourself...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you have a particular negative belief (schema) that you want to work on...
Listen to the Schema Repatterning Meditations.
If you have a particular negative behaviour you want to work through...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you're learning about metacognition...
Listen to the metacognition of mental states.
If you want to go deeper into metacognition in a more integrated fashion with your schemas...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you want to work on healthy adult self development...
Listen to the Healthy Adult Mode meditations.
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Mindfulness of the Modes, One by One
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This meditation assumes you have familiarity with metta / loving kindness already and invites you to visualize the ways in which metta can take an active role in your life. You will be guided to look out for opportunities to connect with others and to notice how it is to act from a place of metta.
Schema modes are emotional states and coping strategies that we all use. Below is an exploration of how attachment styles exhibit or inhibit different modes. By bringing different modes to mind, we can understand their roles in our lives. Examining them in the light of mindfulness, we can begin to choose whether or not to act on them.
Schema modes are emotional states and coping strategies that we all use. Below is an exploration of how the attachment styles exhibit or inhibit different modes. By bringing different modes to mind, we can understand their roles in our lives. Examining them in the light of mindfulness, we can begin to choose whether or not to act from them.