
Mastering the Foundations of Attachment Theory & Repair

Digital Self-Paced Course

This is a Digital Self-Paced Course
  • Simply purchase and download the zip
  • Lifetime access to course material
Download contains:
  • 9 video lectures, 0 hours total
  • 35 guided meditations, 10 hours total
This Self-Paced Course is suitable for
    Attachment Styles
  • Anxious Preoccupied
  • Dismissing Avoidant
  • Fearful / Disorganized
    Useful For
  • Executive Dysfunction
  • General Anxiety
  • Trauma / CPTSD


This Digital Self-Paced Course will cover:

  • The basics of attachment theory
  • How it forms much of the developmental foundation for adult mental health
  • How attachment conditioning is made up of attachment schemas which together form an “internal working model of attachment” (Bowlby)
    • We will re-pattern and work through these attachment schemas systematically
  • How insecure attachment usually implies deficits in mentalization capacities (metacognitive, perspective taking abilities)
    • Which we start correcting in the guided meditation
  • How to heal our early attachment conditioning in order to have much improved well-being, better romantic and platonic relationships, and a stronger, healthy sense of self

This is a practice oriented course.

Doing the work (meditations in this case) is what brings about the results. The learning content of the course is intended to guide and encourage the meditation practice.

Why is focusing on attachment repair especially relevant to people who have struggled with other healing modalities?

  • Attachment conditioning sets the foundation for much of psychological development thereafter.  The foundation, optimally, should be healthy before further work is fruitful.
  • Attachment conditioning happens between 6 and 20 months of age: before there is much narrative or cognitive functioning.
  • For this reason doing work at a later developmental level (cognitive/narrative approaches to healing (CBT etc.)) is not as effective without a solid base.  Healing attachment conditioning should come first.  Then other healing modalities (talk therapy, mindfulness, meditation, etc) can more easily have their desired effects when built on the foundation of secure attachment conditioning.
  • In order to fix attachment conditioning we must have lived, emotionally corrective experiences.
  • This is the core focus on this course: Having emotionally corrective experiences that open up new possibilities for greater happiness and ease, better relationships, and more self-efficacy.

What is the primary practice/ healing modality in this course?

We’ll focus on ‘Schema Repatterning Meditation’ (SRM). SRM is a guided visualization in which we:

  • First identify our problematic, negative schemas (emotional learnings/beliefs) and modes (problematic, symptom producing behaviors that result from the schemas/beliefs)
  • Investigate these beliefs with interest and openness, bringing them fully into awareness using sentence stem completion exercises (based on Bruce Ecker’s work)
  • Discover their origins in childhood, adolescence, and earlier adulthood seeing how these negative learnings were helpful and adaptive at the time, but now no longer adaptive to our adult life
  • Have a calibrated and attuned emotionally corrective experience in the guided meditation that juxtaposes the old negative learning (consistent with Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy)
    • This juxtaposition experience creates a “prediction error” which then initiates the process of memory reconsolidation.
  • All along the way, the meditation guidance helps us develop our metacognitive capacities, correcting executive function deficits that often accompany insecure attachment

This lived corrective experience opens up new possibilities freeing up the narrow, fixed views of our old way of seeing ourselves and the world (schemas) thereby making our ‘symptoms’ unnecessary. These changes are permanent without need for continuing maintenance work.

Drawing from the insights of modern neuroscience, SRM gets right to the root causes of unwanted behaviors by reconsolidating the emotional memories (Ecker et al., 2012).

This course and the guided SRM meditation draws from:

  • Attachment Theory
  • Jeffrey Young’s Schema Therapy
  • Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy
  • The Work of Byron Katie
  • Shirley Jean Schmidt’s Developmental Needs Meeting strategy
  • Laurel Parnell’s Attachment-Focused EMDR
  • Dan Brown and David Elliott’s Ideal Parent Figure Protocol (IPF) / Three Pillars Model
  • Mentalization/Metacogntive therapies (Fonagy, DiMaggio, Liotti)
  • Buddhist Visualization Meditation
  • Buddhist Heart Practices:
    • Loving Kindness
    • Compassion
    • Appreciative Joy
    • Equanimity (Equanimous Love)

Measuring of progress (before and after)

You will have the option to take an in depth assessment before the 8 week course and then again after you’ve completed it. The purpose of this is to determine your baseline attachment security, schemas (limiting self-beliefs), sense of safety, anxiety and mood. Moreover this will help you monitor these qualities to assess your improvements over the course. The assessment is free and you will get the results within a few days of completing it.

This anonymized information will then help us complete a pilot study on this attachment repair meditation modality.

Who is this For

This program is for those of us who...

  • Have insecure attachment
  • Are looking to improve our psychological health, especially if we have tried other healing modalities with disappointing results
  • Have problems with emotional independence, exploration and sense of self (enmeshment)
  • Have troubles with expressing vulnerability
  • Difficulties with intimate relationships
  • Want to optimize our psychological health
  • Want to understand the early foundations of our psychological development
  • Have had trouble consolidating gains in meditation practice in spite of lots of dedicated meditation practice
  • Have difficulties with emotional regulation

Benefits & Outcomes

These are some of the benefits you will have by the end of the program

Theoretical Understanding

  • A basic understanding of attachment theory
  • Understanding the path to “earned secure attachment”
  • The importance of your personal explorations as a source for meaning in your life and more clarity on how to proceed in life towards those explorations and goals
  • Understanding of how attachment forms an important foundation of adult mental health
  • Familiarity with Jeffrey Young’s 18 Schemas
  • More understanding of the modes/parts from a schema therapy perspective like:
    • Demanding internalized parent voices
    • Overcompensation modes like “workaholic mode”, or “self-aggrandizer mode”
    • Avoidance detached modes like the “detached self-soother” and the “spaced out fantasy mode”
    • Compliant surrender mode
    • Vulnerable child mode (which we reparent with the SRM)
    • Healthy Adult mode (which results out of the vulnerable child getting its needs met)


  • A better ability to observe your mind with metacognitive awareness as a result of the mentalization exercises peppered through the guided meditations.
  • Better able to do emotional regulation on the spot in your daily life with ‘micro-hits’ of meditation
  • Less blame of self or others
  • Greater understanding and compassion for psychological problems and vulnerabilities that affect you and others
  • Less identification with your psychological maladies and quirks (ego-dystonia with your maladaptive schemas)
  • A more coherent and realistic understanding of the role your childhood experiences had in producing your adult personality

For your relationships

  • Understanding of how attachment conditioning unconsciously drives your relationship behaviors
  • Greater valuing of attachment itself
  • Better understanding of relationship dynamics
  • Less social anxiety
  • Greater ability and permission to be vulnerable and admit wanting closeness (dismissing/disorganized)

Course Contents

Files tagged with
are introductory material that can be skipped by people who are experienced with Attachment Repair

Using Meditation to Heal Attachment Conditioning

Using Meditation to Heal Attachment Conditioning

1 mins

Soothing and Attunement #1

17 mins

Soothing and Attunement #2

17 mins

Delight and Exploration #1

9 mins

Delight and Exploration #2

9 mins

Understanding Schema Repatterning Meditation (SRM)

Understanding Schema Repatterning

1 mins

Basic Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement #1

12 mins

Basic Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement #2

7 mins

Schema Repatterning Meditation #1

24 mins

Schema Repatterning Meditation #2

29 mins

Mentalizing the Modes (Understanding our Parts)

Mentalizing the Modes

1 mins

Motivation #1

6 mins

Basic Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement

6 mins

Mentalizing the Modes #1

36 mins

Mentalizing the Modes #2

34 mins

Going Deeper with Metacognition

Going Deeper with Metacognition

1 mins

Mentalizing the Modes #3

41 mins

Mentalizing the Modes #4

36 mins

Dismissing Attachment

Dismissing Attachment

1 mins

Motivation #2

7 mins

Motivation #3

6 mins

Mentalizing the Dismissing Modes

23 mins

Mentalizing the Detached Protector Mode

26 mins

Preoccupied Attachment

Preoccupied Attachment

1 mins

Mentalizing the Modes on Anger and Helplessness #1

22 mins

Mentalizing the Modes on Anger and Helplessness #2

27 mins

Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement on the validity of needing comfort

7 mins

Disorganized Attachment

7.1 Disorganized Attachment

1 mins

7.2 Disorganized Attachment

1 mins

Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement on wanting safety and comfort #1

8 mins

Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement on wanting safety and comfort #2

6 mins

Schema Repatterning Meditation on mistrust and abuse #1

37 mins

Schema Repatterning Meditation on mistrust and abuse #2

35 mins

Secure Attachment and the Healthy Adult Mode

Secure Attachment and the Healthy Adult Mode

1 mins

Tong Len on the need for protection and soothing #1

10 mins

Tong Len on the need for protection and soothing #2

9 mins

Best self meditation on self-definition and self-agency #1

20 mins

Best self meditation on self-definition and self-agency #2

32 mins

Delight and self-esteem #1

7 mins

Delight and self-esteem #2

12 mins

Acknowledging the need for safety and soothing #1

9 mins

Acknowledging the need for safety and soothing #2

9 mins

Review of the course and what you learned #1

14 mins

Review of the course and what you learned #2

13 mins
  • 9 video lectures, 0 hours total
  • 35 guided meditations extracted as .mp3 files, 10 hours total

Frequently Asked Questions

Self-Paced Courses

Yes, and in fact we highly encouraged you to do both.
By buying this course you receive lifetime access to a collection of videos and guided meditation tracks. These are organized so that there is a progressive order to them, but you can take them as slowly or as quickly as you'd like, and you can always view the same content again.
Once you've completed your purchase, you'll get a link to download the course. You can then view the audio or video files from your laptop, desktop, smartphone, or any devices of your own choice. There is no limit to how many devices you can access the course from.
You can download and keep this course forever and watch it at your own pace as many times as you wish. There is no live Q&A section.

Payment Questions

If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, simply contact us and we will send you a full refund.
If you are experiencing troubles with your payment, simply contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
There are other payment methods listed on our donations page. Otherwise contact us for other options. If you lack any ability to make online payments, let us know and we can sign you up for free.

Technical Questions

The materials are automatically sent to the email address you provide. If there are no typos in your email address, then check your spam folder. If for some reason you have not received the course materials several minutes after completing payment, contact us and we'll help you out.



Where did you hear about this Program?


This program will cover:

  • The foundations of attachment theory
  • How it forms an important foundation of adult mental health
  • How attachment conditioning is made up of attachment schemas which together form an “internal working model of attachment” (Bowlby)
    • We will re-pattern and work through these attachment schemas systematically
  • How insecure attachment usually implies deficits in mentalization capacities (meta-cognitive, perspective taking abilities)
    • Which we start correcting in the guided meditation
  • How to heal our early attachment conditioning in order to have much improved well-being, better romantic and platonic relationships, and a stronger, healthy sense of self.
  • There will also be an experiential quiz at the end of the first class to help you get a sense for what your attachment style maybe.

This is a Practice oriented course.

Doing the work (meditations in this case) is what brings about the results. The learning content of the course is intended to guide and encourage the meditation practice which will bring about the desired healing.

Why is focusing on Attachment Repair especially relevant to people who have struggled with other healing modalities?

  • Attachment conditioning sets the foundation for much of psychological development thereafter.  The foundation must be healthy before further work is fruitful.
  • Attachment conditioning happens between 6 and 20 months of age: very early before there is much narrative or cognitive functioning.
  • For this reason doing work at a later developmental level (cognitive/narrative approaches to healing (CBT etc)) is not as effective without a solid base.  Healing attachment conditioning should come first.  Then other healing modalities (talk therapy, mindfulness meditation, etc) can have their desired effects when built on the foundation of secure attachment conditioning.
  • In order to fix attachment conditioning we must have lived, emotionally corrective experiences
  • This is the core focus on this course: Having Emotionally Corrective Experiences that open up new possibilities for greater happiness and ease, better relationships, and more self-efficacy.

What is the primary practice/healing modality in this course?

We’ll focus on ‘Schema Repatterning Meditation’ (SRM). SRM is a guided visualization in which we:

  • First identify our problematic, negative schemas (emotional learnings/beliefs) and modes (problematic, symptom producing behaviors that result from the schemas/beliefs)
  • Investigate these beliefs with interest and openness, bringing them fully into awareness using sentence stem completion exercises (based on Bruce Ecker’s work)
  • Discover their origins in childhood, adolescence, and earlier adulthood seeing how these negative learnings were helpful and adaptive at the time, but now no longer adaptive to our adult life
  • Have a calibrated and attuned emotionally corrective experience in the guided meditation that juxtaposes the old negative learning (consistent with Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy)
  • All along the way, the meditation guidance helps us develop our meta-cognitive capacities, correcting executive function deficits that often accompany insecure attachment.

This lived corrective experience opens up new possibilities freeing up the narrow, fixed views of our old way of seeing ourselves and the world (schemas) thereby making our ‘symptoms’ unnecessary. These changes are permanent without need for continuing maintenance work.

Drawing from the insights of modern neuroscience, SRM gets right to the root causes of unwanted behaviors by reconsolidating the emotional memories (Ecker et al., 2012).  Moreover, the practice is gentle and non-pathologizing.

This course and the guided SRM meditation draws from:

  • Attachment Theory
  • Jeffrey Young’s Schema Therapy
  • Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy
  • The Work of Byron Katie
  • Shirley Jean Schmidt’s Developmental Needs Meeting strategy
  • Laurel Parnell’s Attachment-Focused EMDR
  • Dan Brown and David Elliott’s Ideal Parent Figure Protocol/Three Pillars Model
  • Mentalization/Meta-Cogntive therapies (Fonagy, DiMaggio, Liotti)
  • Buddhist Visualization Meditation
  • Buddhist Heart Practices:
    • Loving Kindness
    • Compassion
    • Appreciative Joy
    • Equanimity (Equanimous Love)

Course format:

The course is broken up into 8 classes with each class focused on guided meditation. See below for details.

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Mastering the Foundations of Attachment Theory & Repair
Cart Subtotal $179
Order Total $179

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