Self-Paced Courses
These Foundational programs are suitable for anyone looking to get started with healing their Attachment.
This is the most foundational course for attachment repair. It introduces the Perfect Nurturers (Imaginal Parents). In the guided meditations they give the you the experience of secure attachment. When in doubt, start with this course.
This is the most foundational course for attachment repair. It introduces the Perfect Nurturers (Imaginal Parents). In the guided meditations they give the you the experience of secure attachment. When in doubt, start with this course.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Confidence & Exploration
- General Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Shame
- Social Anxiety
A comprehensive, in-depth, and foundational course on the specifics of Attachment Theory and the journey to Earned Secure Attachment. We introduce and practice the three primary meditations of "Attachment Repair Meditation Modality": 1) Perfect Nurturer Reinforcement Meditation (PNR), 2) the Schema Repatterning Meditation (SRM), and "Mentalizing the Modes Meditation (MMM). This course is foundational, but more in-depth and detailed than the "Experiencing Secure Attachment" course.
A comprehensive, in-depth, and foundational course on the specifics of Attachment Theory and the journey to Earned Secure Attachment.
Useful For
- Dating Issues
- Depression
- Executive Dysfunction
- General Anxiety
Get deeper knowledge and practices to do more serious healing work.
This course is a deep dive into understanding and then healing Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment through guided visualization meditations. This course is best taken after either the Experiencing Secure Attachment or the Attachment Theory and Repair. For those with disorganized/fearful features, it's best to take the "Healing Early Developmental Attachment Trauma" first.
This course is a deep dive into understanding and then healing Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment through guided visualization meditations. This course is best taken after either the Experiencing Secure Attachment or the Attachment Theory and Repair. For those with disorganized/fearful features, it's best to take the "Healing Early Developmental Attachment Trauma" first.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Confidence & Exploration
- Dating Issues
- General Anxiety
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Social Anxiety
- Trauma
This is an experientially oriented self-paced course focused on healing developmental trauma (the primary cause of CPTSD and Disorganized Attachment). If you have disorganized (fearful) attachment or disorganized features start with this course. Working through fear of attachment figures is the first step towards Earned Secure Attachment. Thereafter, addressing Dissmissing-Avoidant and Anxious-Preoccupied features becomes much easier.
This is an experientially oriented self-paced course focused on healing developmental trauma (the primary cause of CPTSD and Disorganized Attachment). If you have disorganized (fearful) attachment or disorganized features start with this course. Working through fear of attachment figures is the first step towards Earned Secure Attachment. Thereafter, addressing Dissmissing-Avoidant and Anxious-Preoccupied features becomes much easier.
Useful For
- Shame
- Trauma
Investigate distortions around responsibility, which is a hallmark of insecure attachment. Where those with dismissing avoidant attachment over-assign it to self and under-assign it to others, the opposite is true for people with anxious preoccupied attachment.
Investigate distortions around responsibility, which is a hallmark of insecure attachment.
Useful For
- Codependency
- Forgiveness
- Metacognition
In this course you'll identify your anxiety that appears without cause, before linking it back to childhood experiences of unpredictable danger.
In this course you'll identify your anxiety that appears without cause, before linking it back to childhood experiences of unpredictable danger.
Useful For
- Codependency
- Depression
- General Anxiety
- Grief
- Loneliness
- Paranoia
- Shame
- Trauma
A journey through six of the schemas that are most common in insecure attachment, with meditations to repattern them.
A journey through six of the schemas that are most common in insecure attachment, with meditations to repattern them.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Confidence & Exploration
- Dating Issues
- Depression
- General Anxiety
- Integration and Parts
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
- Loneliness
- Metacognition
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Social Anxiety
- Trauma
Loving kindness, or metta, is one of the sublime emotions of Buddhism. Learning to cultivate it can lead to greater connection with others, more positive emotion, and greater integration.
Loving kindness, or metta, is one of the sublime emotions of Buddhism. Learning to cultivate it can lead to greater connection with others, more positive emotion, and greater integration.
Useful For
- Depression
- Integration and Parts
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
- Loneliness
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
The Detached Protector Mode describes habitual detachment and suppresion of emotions. This course aims to help anyone experiencing dissociation and numbness to reconnect with themselves.
The Detached Protector Mode describes habitual detachment and suppresion of emotions. This course aims to help anyone experiencing dissociation and numbness to reconnect with themselves.
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Executive Dysfunction
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Self-denial
- Trauma
A meditative journey through early childhood separation experiences, their impact, and how they can be resolved.
A meditative journey through early childhood separation experiences, their impact, and how they can be resolved.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Loneliness
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
This self-paced meditation course focuses on healing attachment bycultivating loving-kindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy first in formal meditation and then bringing those positive mind-states to your everyday life.
This self-paced meditation course focuses on healing attachment by cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy first in formal meditation and then bringing those positive mind-states to your everyday life.
Useful For
- Conscious Parenting
- Dating Issues
- Depression
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
- Loneliness
A mini-course focused on healing internal splits, leading to greater integration and peace.
A mini-course focused on healing internal splits, leading to greater integration and peace.
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Forgiveness
- Integration and Parts
- Revenge
A mini-course to address work through loneliness using attachment repair visualization meditation.
A mini-course to work through loneliness or isolation through the lens of attachment repair.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Loneliness
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Shame
- Social Anxiety
Wisdom and Heart-Focused Meditation Practices for Better Interpersonal Relationships, Emotional Regulation, & Goal Directed Behavior
Wisdom and Heart-Focused Meditation Practices for Better Interpersonal Relationships, Emotional Regulation, & Goal Directed Behavior
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Executive Dysfunction
- General Anxiety
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
In this course we will cultivate the "Healthy Adult". This implies 1) developing the capacity to be a secure attachment figure for others, 2) to develop better self definition, 3) self agency, and 4) self esteem.
This course is for those who have already worked through the basic attachment repair courses or who come to this work already secure attachment established. Said differently, this course facilitates positive development beyond basic secure attachment.
In this course we will cultivate the "Healthy Adult". This implies 1) developing the capacity to be a secure attachment figure for others, 2) to develop better self definition, 3) self agency, and 4) self esteem.
This course is for those who have already worked through the basic attachment repair courses or who come to this work already secure attachment established. Said differently, this course facilitates positive development beyond basic secure attachment.
Useful For
- Confidence & Exploration
- Dating Issues
- Metacognition
- Revenge
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
The purpose of this Self-Paced Course is to heal early attachment wounds and develop healthier relationships by using meditation practices to cultivate the healing qualities of compassion.
The purpose of this Self-Paced Course is to heal early attachment wounds and develop healthier relationships by using meditation practices to cultivate the healing qualities of compassion.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Shame
- Trauma
This course consists of guided meditations drawing on Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy to help you discover and transform limiting beliefs.
This course consists of guided meditations drawing on Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy to help you discover and transform limiting beliefs.
Useful For
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
- Trauma
In this course we work on the avoidance, overcompensation and surrender modes of Schema Therapy. We take the view (pro-symptom position) of our Modes (drawing from Coherence Therapy) thereby we see how our problematic behaviours are unintended and natural consequences of unconsciously held beliefs, usually rooted in early childhood (the Schemas).
We end each meditation with an emotionally-corrective experience that moves us towards doing emotional memory reconsolidation on the underlying schema.
An Experiential Guided Meditation Course for Healing the Modes and Their Underlying Root Schemas.
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Dating Issues
- General Anxiety
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Social Anxiety
This program is a series of guided chairwork meditations for giving voice to our disowned parts and integrating them.
This program is a series of guided chairwork meditations for giving voice to our disowned parts and integrating them.
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Codependency
- Integration and Parts
- Social Anxiety
This Self-Paced Course draws on the core concepts of Schema Therapy and adapts them to guided meditations such to work through and meet these core needs.
This Self-Paced Course draws on the core concepts of Schema Therapy and adapts them to guided meditations such to work through and meet these core needs.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Integration and Parts
- Loneliness
- Shame
Courses tailored for more specific issues.
Process and integrate memories of rejection and heal the ways they continue to affect us.
Process and integrate memories of rejection and heal the ways they continue to affect us.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Loneliness
- Self-denial
This course offers a series of attachment repair meditations to find, understand, and process early memory ‘fragments’ that are usually held somatically or preverbally. Unresolved memories of threat in which we were not protected or comforted contribute disproportionately to adult psychopathology and insecure attachment. These old memories can be accessed somatically and processed with the support of the Perfect Nurturers/Ideal Parents.
An exploration of early memory ‘fragments’ that are usually held somatically or preverbally.
Useful For
- Dissociation
- Trauma
Ambivalence towards connecting with others can be an obstacle to developing secure attachment. The intended outcome of this course is to understand our valid reasons for not valuing attachment and to integrate and heal these memories, setting in the past what is passed.
Ambivalence towards connecting with others can be an obstacle to developing secure attachment. The intended outcome of this course is to understand our valid reasons for not valuing attachment and to integrate and heal these memories, setting in the past what is passed.
Useful For
- Executive Dysfunction
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
Anger, at its core, is a communication to others that your needs are not being met.
Anger, at its core, is a communication to others that your needs are not being met.
Useful For
- Executive Dysfunction
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
- Paranoia
- Revenge
Holidays can bring up difficult or painful situations and feelings. Take this course if you'd like to work with these triggers.
Holidays can bring up difficult or painful situations and feelings. Take this course if you'd like to work with these triggers.
Useful For
- Conscious Parenting
- Filial Piety
- Trauma
In this conscious parenting course we use guided meditations that focus on turning ourselves into the best parent we can be to our children in a way to produce secure attachment in them. This is not principally a psycho-education course rather a course focused on doing the experiential work to help us embody the factors that create secure attachment in our children.
In this conscious parenting course we use guided meditations that focus on turning ourselves into the best parent we can be to our children in a way to produce secure attachment in them. This is not principally a psycho-education course rather a course focused on doing the experiential work to help us embody the factors that create secure attachment in our children.
Useful For
- Conscious Parenting
This guided meditation course is informed by attachment theory and develops your capacity for play and exploration. We do this by first firming up on the 'secure base', feeling that we have the rock-solid support of the 'perfect nurturers'. And then on THAT basis developing better and better capacities for exploration and play.
This is a guided meditation course informed by attachment theory that develops your capacity for play and exploration. We do this by first firming up on the 'secure base', feeling that we have the rock-solid support of the 'perfect nurturers'. And then on THAT basis developing better and better capacities for exploration and play.
Useful For
- Confidence & Exploration
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
This mini-course contains guided meditations to help you cultivate faith, to understand mistrust, and to discern when it is appropriate to trust or not.
This mini-course contains guided meditations to help you cultivate faith, to understand mistrust, and to discern when it is appropriate to trust or not.
Useful For
- Trauma
A mini-course to cultivate Sympathetic Joy for deeper connection with others.
A mini-course to cultivate Sympathetic Joy for deeper connection with others.
Useful For
- Depression
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
This mini-course is to help you develop better capacities for play and exploration using visualization. It is rooted in attachment therory.
This mini-course is to help you develop better capacities for play and exploration using visualization. It is rooted in attachment therory.
Useful For
- Confidence & Exploration
- Lack of Positive Emotion (Anhedonia)
This brief course introduces you to using guided attachment repair meditation to heal shame.
This brief course introduces you to using guided attachment repair meditation to heal shame.
Useful For
- Executive Dysfunction
- General Anxiety
- Metacognition
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
- Shame
In this course we will use guided attachment repair meditation to first understand our inner critic, find the root causes of our inner critic, and then go back and confront those old negative experiences that imprinted negatively on us. This emotionally corrective experience will weaken our inner critic and come into greater ease and happiness in life.
In this course we will use guided attachment repair meditation to first understand our inner critic, find the root causes of our inner critic, and then go back and confront those old negative experiences that imprinted negatively on us. This emotionally corrective experience will weaken our inner critic and come into greater ease and happiness in life.
Useful For
- Addiction / Substance Abuse
- Executive Dysfunction
- Integration and Parts
- Metacognition
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Paranoia
- Revenge
- Self-denial
- Shame
- Trauma
In this course we will do a guided meditation to work through unresolved grief. This meditation draws heavily from 'Chairwork' of Gestalt and Psychodrama. This work will help us move towards closure and then reorientation towards new relationships and explorations.
In this course we will do a guided meditation to work through unresolved grief. This meditation draws heavily from 'Chairwork' of Gestalt and Psychodrama. This work will help us move towards closure and then reorientation towards new relationships and explorations.
Useful For
- Grief
- Integration and Parts
- Loneliness
In this self paced course we do the experiential work (guided visualization meditaiton) to 1) understand, then 2) integrate, and then 3) reconsolidate the core schemas that underpin codependency:
1. Self Sacrifice
2. Self Subjugation
3. Approval Seeking/Attention Seeking
In this self paced course we do the experiential work (guided visualization meditaiton) to 1) understand, then 2) integrate, and then 3) reconsolidate the core schemas that underpin codependency:
1. Approval Seeking/Attention Seeking
2. Self-Sacrifice
3. Self-Subjugation
Useful For
- Codependency
- Dating Issues
- Self-denial
In this course we will first seek to understand and then reconsolidate the beliefs and behavioral patterns which underly perfectionism, emotional inhibition, and negativity bias. We will use the Schema Repatterning Meditation to do this.
In this course we will first seek to understand and then reconsolidate the beliefs and behavioral patterns which underly perfectionism, emotional inhibition, and negativity bias. We will use the Schema Repatterning Meditation to do this.
Useful For
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Paranoia
In this course we will use guided attachment repair visualization meditations to first understand and then repattern deeply held schemas that undermine our ability to explore and go after what we want in life.
Specifically, we will work through these schemas (unconsciously held negative expectations of life):
Dependence and Incompetence Schema
Vulnerability and Harm Schema
Enmeshment and Underdeveloped Self Schema
Failure to Achieve Schema
In this course we will use guided attachment repair visualization meditations to first understand and then repattern deeply held schemas that undermine our ability to explore and go after what we want in life.
Specifically, we will work through these schemas (unconsciously held negative expectations of life):
Dependence and Incompetence Schema
Vulnerability and Harm Schema
Enmeshment and Underdeveloped Self Schema
Failure to Achieve Schema
Useful For
- Confidence & Exploration
- General Anxiety
- Self Definition / Agency / Esteem
Check out our newest additions to the store.
Process and integrate memories of rejection and heal the ways they continue to affect us.
Process and integrate memories of rejection and heal the ways they continue to affect us.
Useful For
- Abandonment Fear
- Loneliness
- Self-denial
Investigate distortions around responsibility, which is a hallmark of insecure attachment. Where those with dismissing avoidant attachment over-assign it to self and under-assign it to others, the opposite is true for people with anxious preoccupied attachment.
Investigate distortions around responsibility, which is a hallmark of insecure attachment.
Useful For
- Codependency
- Forgiveness
- Metacognition
This course offers a series of attachment repair meditations to find, understand, and process early memory ‘fragments’ that are usually held somatically or preverbally. Unresolved memories of threat in which we were not protected or comforted contribute disproportionately to adult psychopathology and insecure attachment. These old memories can be accessed somatically and processed with the support of the Perfect Nurturers/Ideal Parents.
An exploration of early memory ‘fragments’ that are usually held somatically or preverbally.
Useful For
- Dissociation
- Trauma
In this course you'll identify your anxiety that appears without cause, before linking it back to childhood experiences of unpredictable danger.
In this course you'll identify your anxiety that appears without cause, before linking it back to childhood experiences of unpredictable danger.
Useful For
- Codependency
- Depression
- General Anxiety
- Grief
- Loneliness
- Paranoia
- Shame
- Trauma
This is the “gold standard of attachment assessments” (Brown & Elliott, 2016). For those committed to healing their attachment conditioning, this is a helpful starting benchmark to establish. The interview triggers your ‘attachment mechanism’ by asking you questions about childhood attachment situations. The responses are then coded for patterns that place you into one or a combination of attachment styles.
This is the “gold standard of attachment assessments”. For those committed to healing their attachment conditioning, this is a helpful starting benchmark to establish.
The purpose of the assessment is to understand how prevalent each of the 18 Schemas and Modes is in your personality. Completing an inventory is useful for people who are serious about improving their mental health, healing past traumas, or otherwise developing their self-knowledge.
The purpose of the assessment is to understand how prevalent each of the 18 Schemas and Modes is in your personality.