How Do Metacognition and Attachment Security Interrelate?

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  • Post published:December 29, 2022
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Metacognition (mentalization, reflective function) refers to the ability to think about and make sense of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is an important aspect of mental health and wellbeing, as it allows individuals to self regulate their emotions and behaviors, and to make meaning of their experiences.

Attachment security, on the other hand, refers to the ability to form and maintain close, supportive relationships with others. It is often thought to be influenced by early experiences with caregivers. It also has an impact on an individual’s mental health and wellbeing.

There is some evidence to suggest that metacognitive skills and attachment security may be related. For example, individuals with Secure Attachment may be more able to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings, and to understand the perspectives of others. On the other hand, individuals who are less secure may have difficulty regulating their emotions and may be more prone to impulsivity and reactivity. This is due to poorer mentalization skills.

It’s worth noting that metacognition and attachment security are just two of many factors that can influence mental health and wellbeing. It’s also important to recognize that these factors can interact with and influence each other in complex ways, and that they may be affected by a range of other factors, such as genetics, life experiences, and environmental factors.

It is possible to train metacognitive skills just like any other skill. If this is an area you want to explore, you may be interested in this course.

Improving Metacognitive Abilities with Meditation

Wisdom and Heart-Focused Meditation Practices for Better Interpersonal Relationships, Emotional Regulation, & Goal Directed Behavior

Wisdom and Heart-Focused Meditation Practices for Better Interpersonal Relationships, Emotional Regulation, & Goal Directed Behavior

April 12th, 2023
    Useful for:
  • Metacognition
  • General Anxiety
  • Executive Dysfunction
  • Integration and Parts
  • Addiction / Substance Abuse

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