If you're just starting your attachment repair journey...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you're feeling triggered and want to emotionally-regulate and calm yourself...
Start with thePerfect Nurturer Reinforcement meditations.
If you have a particular negative belief (schema) that you want to work on...
Listen to the Schema Repatterning Meditations.
If you have a particular negative behaviour you want to work through...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you're learning about metacognition...
Listen to the metacognition of mental states.
If you want to go deeper into metacognition in a more integrated fashion with your schemas...
Listen to the Mentalizing the Modes meditations.
If you want to work on healthy adult self development...
Listen to the Healthy Adult Mode meditations.
  • I want to work on:

  • Meditation Techniques

Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
A sense of safety is necessary for us to feel securely attached. Attachment disturbances can mean that an internal sense of safety is difficult to achieve, even when external conditions are safe. By learning to cultivate a feeling of safety, we will be better prepared to heal and to develop more secure attachment.
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
This meditation aims to bring the resource of imaginal parents more to life by imagining what a perfect inner parent would be like. We are guided to experience attunement, joy, compassion, and confidence.
Meditation Technique:
This meditation aims to bring the resource of imaginal parents more to life by imagining what a perfect inner parent would be like. We are guided to experience attunement, joy, compassion, and confidence.
Meditation Technique:
This meditation focuses on feelings in the body, getting a somatic sense of what it is like to be with a perfect inner parent. We are guided to experience attunement, joy, compassion, and confidence.
Meditation Technique:
In Schema Repatterning Meditation we elicit the schema (negative self-belief) we want to work on and, since the mind can't hold conflicting emotional information, we set about repatterning it with positive emotional experiences.
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
Meditation Technique:
Mar 11 2022
In this meditation you will be guided in relaxation, invited to explore schema modes (compulsive behaviors), and then led in recognizing them. By mentalizing the modes in this way, they lose power over you, and you can live from a more authentic and open place.
Meditation Technique: